Small Group
"We talked it over and when we get back home, we are getting involved in a small group at our church."
I had lunch with a snowbird who was doing the last minute pre-flight check before heading north. "Give me a quick SWOT analysis of Cornerstone," I said, as I always try to get a reading from outsiders on Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. "Keep up the emphasis on small groups." At first I must admit I had to ask if he saw small groups as a weakness or a strength. In truth I still see it as a weakness because so many are reluctant to get involved in meeting every week to study and apply the Bible to everyday life. But for him, it was a strength, as it is with those ho have committed to join one of our Bible Fellowship tables. I was moved to tears as he told me how our small groups ministered to them during their short time, and how they will join a small group when they get home. I will pound this drum until God takes my drumsticks away, that church is more than just showing up on Sundays. IT is walking together with other believers and Building Life Together!
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