Easter Sunday
Wow! Not since the grand opening four years ago have I been so excited about Easter Sunday. So many of you have poured your time and energy into making Easter a great event for families all over oue area. This year we opted to pass out personal invitations instead of big mailouts and newspaper ads. I know it is old school, but I really believe that God blesses when we give time and personal attention rather than just spend money. I have been so impressed to hear stories of how God is opening doors for people to invite friends and neighbors and in the process share Christ. We are not only praying, but have planned for a big day. For the first time we will offer three worship services and most of our members have signed up to attend one and volunteer in one of the other two. We have the best Easter Egg hunt of all time planned, and most of the eggs will be filled with, or themselves be toys. We have yoyo eggs, silly putty, cash and even egg shaped bouncy balls. Hats off to the production team that has put in some long nights this week hanging curtains and lights in the auditorium and setting the stage for some really great music by our praise team. I heard them practice last week and my goose bumps had hoods bumps. We are kicking off a new message series called "Beyond the shadow of a doubt" that will address everything from doubting Thomas to the Da Vinci Code. Now it is up to you. What will make this Sunday a truly exciting event is to meet some of you who have never come out to one of our services. I will try to give a report of the day on Sunday afternoon for all of you who check in from around the globe to see what God is doing.