Friday, May 04, 2007

Tabernacle Sneak Preview

Our team has been working on some of the design for the Tabernacle Project and it is going to rock! Here is a sneak peak. We will have the full reveal for you on Mother's Day. Also, be sure to take part in this special offering by marking your envelope special.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Goodbye Bruce and Jacki

Today we say goodbye to Pastor Bruce. For those of you not from Cornerstone, Bruce is our Sr. Adults Pastor who works part of the year with us between October and May. They will be leaving this morning to head to Minnesota for the summer. Bruce and Jacki mean so much to me both personally and pastorally. I HATE it when they are gone. They said something about grand kids and their eyes glassed over like some victim of alien mind control. Please pray for their journey this week as they travel.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Children at Play / God at Work

Richard Baker began a study on the Tabernacle tonight and it is going to be great. I am really excited about this as we will be starting a new Tabernacle project of our own. Beginning on Mother's Day we will be officially kicking off our remodel of the school. As promised, our new theme will be.... Children at Play / God at Work. It will be a construction orange theme with three different environments for all ages. The Nursery will be "The Slumber Yard" Preschool will be "build-N-Care" Workshop" and our Children's class will be decked out as "Kid Depot." We revealed it to our Wednesday night crowd and will do the unveiling to the rest of the church in 11 days. It will be awesome. To make this happen we are wanting to raise $1,600 toward the purchase of drapes, banners and equipment. Please prayerfully make plans to take part in this great project.

Disney and the church...

I sat next to Gary Lamb, pastor of Ridge Stone Church last week at a blogger's round table at the National New Church Conference. His church is on fire and it was cool to meet him. He took his family to Disney and came back with this to say.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Devotional Blog

Last month I began chronicling my personal Bible time on a blog. {inthedaily} It was my goal for the month to read through the book of James 1 chapter a week, and every day boil it down to a single word. Sometimes I fell behind in blogging and have run way ahead in reading, but today I will begin a new study. I am still trying to decide what to do. I write this to tell you that today I am struggling with a situation, and when I opened my devotional thought for last week, God used last week me to preach to today me. It is funny how the lessons of a week ago will so quickly be forgotten. Blogging is one way that we can remember God's faithfulness in the past as we look fearfully into the future.

The Tabernacle Projct

Cornerstone began with a clear vision from God to provide a place of worship for the people of Four Corners. With US 27 and 192 in the cross hairs we set out to find a place of meeting. I still remember the afternoon when a real estate agent told me of the Four Corners Charter School. Driving down the winding road I prayed for God to open doors. The principal at that time was a believer named Sam. He showed me the elementary lunchroom, which amazingly came painted in our color scheme. Our rent would cost us $500 a month and our contract was a handshake. The first Sunday we used the benches like pews and had 16 in attendance. 7 were my family members, Mike Bartlett & Jeremy Leget, the Mitchell family all of whom came to help start the church, and two lost German tourists. From there God has done an amazing work.

We knew going in that we would need to transform our school each week in an efficient and cost effective way into a place where kids and parents can worship. Over the years we have made many improvements to our process, but now we believe that it is time to leap ahead again. As many of you know, we use classrooms for our nursery, preschool and children's department. While at set up last week, I was reminded of how dangerous a 3rd grade classroom can be for toddlers. The set up team, as well as our children's workers, child proof each room each week. However, desks full of pencils and scissors abound. We must do better.

Enter, the Tabernacle Project. The Tabernacle was commissioned by God as the Children of Israel were in route to the Promised Land. It was a tent of meeting. A portable church that could move with the 2 million people through the wilderness. In a lot of ways, we at CBC are a Tabernacle. Each week, a team of dedicated individuals help their best Friend move. In thinking about the Tabernacle of the Old Testament, I was reminded of how much they accomplished with drapes. Without going into great detail, we have the ability to completely transform our school, with a number of well placed drapes.

Beginning in May, we will turn our attention to improving our tabernacle. It is our goal to raise $2,000 to totally overhaul our children's area. The project will include:

The Hall Way

1. Drapes to close off the hall we do not use

2. A security check in station with photo ID for all children

3. Directional signs and banners

The Nursery
1. Drapes
2. Signs and Banners
3. New Carpet
4. New nursery furniture (the portable crib we presently use was my 9 year-old's)

The Preschool
1. Drapes
2. Signs and Banners

1. Drapes
2. Signs and Banners

When the project is complete, there should be no indication that the building is or even was a school. Our children's area will rival any that is offered by the large brick and mortar churches. And will be a fun and exciting place for our kids to learn and play. I will tell you about our theme and decoration in tomorrow's post.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Easter Photos Part Deux

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Faith and Family Night at the Ghost Riders

We had a great time this afternoon at the Osceola Ghost Riders game. It was faith and family night and they had pastor Gabe sing the national anthem. As expected, Gabe was fantastic! We had a good time even though the home team lost. They put on a great show and I really love their new mascot Colt. One of our members Jordan Bartels is the GM for the team and is doing a great job with the team. Thanks Dave and Sue for putting together such a great activity.