Brother's Keeper - I Saw Heaven
Gabe you got moves!
I am usually one for hype, but it has been a long time since I have been this excited about starting a new series. This weekend we kick off a new message series on finding JOY in the middle of our struggles from the life of Paul as he wrote to the Philippians from prison. As we will see, Joy cannot be found in culture and religion or anywhere apart from a total surrender to Christ.
God has been doing some amazing things at Cornerstone and we just stand in awe of how the church has grown in the last year. To put things in perspective on the second to last Sunday of August 2007 we had 99 in attendance, last weekend we had 182! To God be the glory! We are gearing up for continuing this growth into the fall and internally have set a goal to get over 200 on Labor Day Weekend. (I guess it is external now) So here is what we need you to do. 1. Don't miss for any reason, The emergency room will make you wait anyway, so go after church! 2. Get everybody here, no runny nose excuses will be accepted. 3. Kidnapping is permitted. Drag your neighbors and coworkers to church offer them candy, tell them we are giving away a big screen TV, (not really) or offer to take them to lunch, but get them there!