Saturday, April 05, 2008

On My Google Reader

If you are a regular reader of this blog or any other blog for that matter, it would be wise to set up an account with Bloglines, or Google Reader. I used to waste my time rushing from blog to blog to see if there was any new news. Now All the news comes to me via my Google Reader. For those curious minds out there here are some categories I have set up.
1. Blogs - Serious bloggers such as Seth Godin, Dan Burrell, MMI, and New blogs that I have not categorized Like Mark Beeson.
2. Amusement - In this folder, I put my waste time stuff, like Boing Boing, Tom in the Box, and Lark News.
3. Church Planters - Guys who are getting the job done that I want to follow like Perry Noble, Bob Franquiz, and Steve Furtic.
4. Friends - Some great, some not so great (bloggers that is) great one's like Greg Peters and Adam Mayfield, and Ricc Conner. Not so great ones like, well I'm not telling you know who you are.
5. Thinking Blogs - Right now just Desiring God, ...........and Purgatorio (kidding)
6. Not so much - blogs that are well read, but I don't get much from. Guys way to the right like Sharper Iron and Guys way to the left like Tall Skinny Kiwi. I like to know what they are up to, but don't read much more than the headlines. A few mor blogs have found their way into the not so much folder, but mostly because they don't get blogging and would do better to write a book.

Now you know my DNA. and for that matter DNA means that you Did Not Ask, but I told you anyway.

For further reading about what I'm reading you can check out My Library Thing.

Friday, April 04, 2008

New Look & New Features

Well, today the blog got a new look and some new features added. We changed from 2 column width to three, and dressed it up quite a bit. New features include the ability to link right to RSS feeders and an option to sign up for email alerts if you don't use an RSS Feed. One of my favorite additions is the "Cloud" on the left that indicates my favorite topics. As you can see Cornerstone is the big daddy, followed by humor then church planting. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Update from Iglesia Bautista El Buen Samaritano

Pastor Rafael writes:

"God bless you, the following is a report of the first service at Iglesia Bautista El Buen Samaritano held on Sunday March 30th 2008, there were 20 persons in attendance."

That is a great first day for a church. I still remember our first day at Cornerstone as we wondered if anyone would show. Grand total on Day one...16. Grand total on day 2,190(6 years later)... 354. God is doing some great things at Cornerstone and has great things in store for el Buen Samaritano too!

If you have friends or neighbors looking for a great Spanish speaking church, Be a Good Samaritan, put them on your donkey and take them to Iglesia Bautista El Buen Samaritano!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Lord's Prayer
