Sunday Synopsis
Today's services were great. I am still in preacher withdraw from not getting to speak today. But Michael brought it. We were all inspired, and I think we all want to go plant a church in Australia tomorrow. There were 156 in attendance between the two services, and our offerings were approximately $3,100.00. I am excited to see how many of our people jump on board and begin supporting missions. One thing that has hit me is that we could be doing so much more for missions and church planting around the world. Being a church plant, is no excuse for waiting until some vague point of growth to really give sacrificially. I have a few goals for our church. 1. raise the number of households who give regularly to 50. Right now we have between 35-40 giving households per week. And...2. That every one of those families gives above their tithe to support missions. I can't wait until we will be able to give birth to a new baby church of our own. I am praying now that God will raise up a couple, and enough missions giving for us to fully fund a new church within two years. Big goals... maybe... but Bigger God... definitely!
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