Friday, February 24, 2006

Why Good People Die

A good man died this week. Grandpa Gibbs was known for his prayer notebook. Many people coveted being in that binder. He would sit and look at pictures and notes and talk to God. A mutual friend lamented that she will miss his prayers. I guess you can still pray from heaven right? Now it is just in person. In Isaiah 57 the Bible ponders why good people die. In an almost sarcastic way it questions why people never seem to learn that good people die to get away from the evil to come in this life. Life is often a hard thing. Death is a wonderful thing for good people; people who have entered into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Death was a good thing for Grandpa Gibbs. He is with the Savior, and the woman he loves. Verse two says ‘They shall enter into peace” so the next time someone wonders why good people die, you can tell them that God said in the book of Isaiah that for a saved person, the seemingly untimely death is to avoid the trouble that would have come into their lives and so that they can enter into eternal rest with their Savior. That is why good people die.