Monday Meeting Download
What a great day off. We went to Joe Murray's meeting today and heard two outstanding messages from Russell Johnson at IBB in Miami and Mike Stancil from Calvary Baptist in Taylorville IL.
Russell Said:
We have to decide if we are going to have a espresso or decaf church. Too often we settle for a decaf ministry when God has called us to ministry through His power.
1. Focus on being the church not building the church. Eph. 4:1-3
2. Focus on what unites us, not what divides us. Eph. 4:4-6
3. Focus on equipping others instead of personally doing ministry. Eph. 4:11-12
4. Focus on maturity, not micromanaging people's lives. Eph. 4:13-14
5. Focus on relationships more than programs. Eph. 4:15
6. Focus on the church as an organism, not an organization. Eph. 4:16
Mike said:
We got into this business (ministry) for Pentecost, but we usually get out over the cost.
God has called us to supernatural ministry. Most of us settle for being less than a superhero.
Timothy was a screwed up pastor.
1. He was young - I Tim 4:12
2. He was sick - I Tim 5:23
3. He wanted to bolt - I Tim 1:3
4. He had settled - II Tim 1:6
5. He was timid - II Tim 1:7
6. He was ashamed - II Tim 1:8, 12, 16
1. Stir it up - II Tim 2:6;
2. Preach it - II Tim 4:2
3. Speak Up - II Tim 2:3
Don't back up, don't shut up, don't give up.
You never see kids playing Clark Kent, but sometimes you do see pastors.
Be a super hero!