Watermelooza Schmooza
What a fun event. Everyone was so helpful, from Extreme Jumpers who provided the water slide, to Larry the HOA president of Westridge subdivision who hosted the event. We were able to give away 100 melons, but we had to cheat a little at the end by sending our volunteers home with up to 5 or 6 to pass out to neighbors. I learned some valuable lessons last night about ministry.
1. People don't trust the church (in general)
We are often as guilty of the bait and switch as the business community so much that to give something away totally free is met with skepticism. It requires a total reprogramming of what the church is about.
2. It is always best to meet people on their turf
It would have been very hard to attract people to come pick up melons if it was not right there in the subdivision where they live. We need to be more mindful of taking the good news to the people.
3. FREE doesn't matter to some people
Whether it be free watermelons or the freeness of salvation, some people will always turn it down. We heard excuses for why people couldn't receive a free melon. two great ones were, "We are on vacation." (I didn't know that was a rule) another excuse was "we just ate" (like they would have to take it straight home to eat it.) In reality, some people just didn't want it no matter the cost. Sadly, they tell this to the one who gave His life for them too. It is our job to help them discover their true need for Him.
4. We have some of the best volunteers ever
I am so proud of the way that our volunteers worked to pull this off, then came back out to meet the guests and open the door for sharing Christ. Jodie and Shawn Ciccarello really shined bright and I am proud to be part of their church.
5. Not very many people are aware of Cornerstone
Putting the signs up on Saturday and taking them down on Sunday means that there is a very small window of opportunity for people to find our church. It teaches me that we as a church need to raise the awareness of our presence in the community and the best way is for every member of the church to love it so much that they invite others to come.