Count Your Blessings
I love our Wednesday night prayer group. Last night we all met to share prayer requests and discuss the reaction of the Pharisees to Jesus’ raising Lazarus from the dead. One of the things that amazed us was that right after the biggest miracle to date. They were conspiring to kill him. It is totally ludicrous to me that even with the amazing evidence right before their eyes that they did not recognize who Jesus was or what He had done. It made me think, however, that we had just finished discussing answers to prayer requests that we have been praying about for several weeks and we did much of the same thing. Sometimes we get an answer to prayer and simply move on to the next request without really stopping to recognize who Jesus is and what he has just done. There is an old song that reminds us to count our blessings one by one. The next time you have an answer to a prayer request, stop and count that a blessing. Recognize that Jesus just acted on your behalf and consider it a blessing to serve a God who loves and cares so much for you. I for one counted it a blessing to be able to have some of Jacque Conard's wonderful rice pudding!
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