Seriously Funny
My good friend John Bogenschutz is one of the most creative people in our church. He is not only a good neighbor, but a great dad and has a daily comic strip that I truly enjoy. In what I hope to be a series, John has given me permission to reprint some of his work on the blog. I hope to take his humor and use it as an illustration of a practical thought for Fridays. Enjoy! Think! Apply!
:-) I think we have all been managed like this at one time or another. Due to regulations and policies, good work is traded for mediocre. All of us have a tendency to micromanage people around us.
This cartoon helps me to remember that God builds the church. It is not my job as a pastor to complain about what I don't have, but to see the talent that God has placed around us, and let His people do His work. I pray that Cornerstone is a place where people use their gifts, time and abilities to elevate Christ in Four Corners. In the end, the outcome will be so much better than what is probably chiseled on my pre-historic clipboard.
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