I Give Hope
This year we will be receiving a Christmas Offering that I am very excited about. Our offering will be going to the students of the Hope Center in Nairobi Kenya. If we are able to reach our goal we will be able to provide shoes and sweaters for every student. World Hope has a wonderful ministry of providing for the entire child in one of the world's poorest areas. We will have more information to follow, but below is a statement from our I GIVE HOPE PROJECT website. www.IGiveHope.org
Through the "I Give Hope" project you have the opportunity to provide a pair of shoes and a sweater to the students of Hope Academy. In Nairobi's Kawangware slum, crime, malnutrition, air and water borne diseases, drug abuse, and poor sanitation are endemic. Located at Hope Center, Hope Academy provides education and food for 412 children, often the only schooling or decent meals the children may ever receive. With every donation of $10 you receive a "I Give Hope" wristband and the knowledge that you have given hope to some of the world's neediest children.