The blog has been quiet recently. It seems that ever since coming back from vacation last month, that blogging became a chore. I love to communicate with people and blogging is a tremendous tool for that. What other platform does a pastor have to stay in contact with his people every day and to speak into their lives while helping them to get to know him as a person. The daily devotional was eating my lunch so much that the quality tanked and I pulled the plug. Perhaps it will come in handy for an upcoming message series, but unless it can be great, it is taking energy and creativity that needs to be somewhere else. I also unsubscribed today from about 15 blogs that I had been reading. Google has a great application that lets you know how much you actually read the posts you subscribe to and there are some subscriptions that were just wasting my time and two-thirds of the time I would not even read it so to the curb with them. I also joined a gym and have been working out 4 days a week. I am not sure that it has caused me to want to blog less, but maybe schedules interfered some. Today there is no staff meeting because Gabe is sick so I plan on studying for Wednesday night and writing the lesson for next week's Bible Fellowship. If I have time I want to go over to Lakeland and see about fixing my phone.