Pray for our Open House
We have been going fast and furious as we prepare for our open house on this coming Sunday. The banners will be shipped today, we have the new nursery furniture, yard signs are on the way, the drapes are almost complete, the website is up, the security station was in pace last week, we pick up the new carpet today, and we will be passing out fliers on Thursday. It has been a lot of work, and many of you have given great amounts of time and money to see our kidZone go first class, but I am asking for one more thing. PRAY. Please pray that our efforts will bring glory to God by bringing children to Jesus. Everything we do is to that end. Please pray for us as a staff, and for the remaining details to fall into place. As your pastor, I need your prayer. God is at work, and where God is at work, you can be sure that the spirit of this world is at work as well. Pray that we will not lose focus on what God is doing. Pray for good weather as we put invitations out, pray for new families to come out this Sunday to share in the excitement. Pray that our kids will see this and know that they are valued.